Interest Builds Surrounding Taste, Science Behind Stevia
New York University professor and public health nutrition author Marion Nestle wonders “Is Stevia really ‘natural?’” in her April 29, 2009, blog Food Politics. The sweetener, she writes, is isolated from the leaves of the stevia plant and therefore the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lets companies assert that it is natural.
“We can debate whether a chemical sweetener isolated from Stevia leaves is really ‘natural’ but here’s another problem: Stevia doesn’t taste like sugar,” Nestle writes. “Companies have to fuss with it to cover up its off taste. And, they must do so ‘without detracting from the perceived benefits of its natural status.’ Flavor companies are working like mad to find substances that block Stevia’s bitter taste, mask its off flavors, and extend its sweetness, while staying within the scope of what the FDA allows as ‘natural.’” See, April 29, 2009.