Public Health Advocacy Institute (PHAI) Staff Attorney Cara Wilking and President Richard Daynard, a self-described “strategic litigation expert with a focus on combating the epidemics caused by tobacco and obesity,” have co-authored an article titled “Beyond Cheeseburgers: The Impact of Commonsense Consumption Acts on Future Obesity-Related Lawsuits.” 68 Food & Drug Law Journal 229 (2013). Beginning with the premise that “[a]ffirmative litigation is an important tool in the public health toolkit to recover healthcare costs stemming from harmful commercial practices and to prevent future health harms,” they provide a detailed analysis of the “Common Sense Consumption” acts (CCAs) enacted in 25 states to shield the food industry from civil liability for obesity-related harms allegedly caused by the long-term consumption of food. According to the authors, the National Restaurant Association took a leadership role in getting the measures before state legislatures. Noting that CCAs “have yet to be meaningfully tested in the…
Category Archives Issue
According to a news source, the Turkish Competition Authority has concluded a 15-month investigation and imposed a fine of 17.9 million Turkish Liras (US $8.6 million) on Frito-Lay, finding that it engaged in practices to ensure that it was the only salty snack brand available for sale in retail shops. While the initial decision and fine have apparently been issued to the company, a more detailed “reasoned decision” will be forthcoming. The company, which contends that it “has strong policies in place to achieve compliance with the laws and regulations everywhere we do business,” will reportedly have the right to file an appeal. See, September 6, 2013.
California’s pesticide regulator has reportedly filed a petition against Whole Foods alleging that several of its pet products, including cat litter and dog and cat flea spray, contain pesticides that have not been registered with the state. Cal. Dep’t of Pesticide Registration v. Whole Foods Mkt. Cal., Inc., No. 2013-00150499 (Cal. Super. Ct., Sacramento Cty., filed September 9, 2013). State law evidently requires pre approval of pesticide products so they can be tested and approved for safe use. The company is reportedly cooperating with the state and has indicated that it “looks forward to addressing the matter before a judge.” If Whole Foods has violated state law, California may impose fines. According to an agency spokesperson, failure to register pesticide products has been an ongoing issue with the Austin-based retail grocery chain and the agency intends to investigate it for a range of purportedly unregistered products. See Huffington Post, September…
A federal court in California has granted a motion for final settlement approval in a nationwide class action alleging that Kellogg Co. falsely advertised its Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal products as a food that could help improve children’s attentiveness by 20 percent. Dennis v. Kellogg Co., No. 09-1786 (S.D. Cal., order entered September 10, 2013). Details about prior rulings in the case appear in Issue 483 of this Update. The court had previously given reluctant approval to the preliminary settlement, concerned that the class relief appeared to have diminished after remand from the Ninth Circuit, with attorney’s fees appearing to remain constant—the original settlement had a cash value of about $10.5 million with $2 million for attorney’s fees and claims administration; the revised settlement has a cash value of $4 million with $1.5-2 million reserved for attorney’s fees and claims administration. According to the court, the plaintiffs demonstrated that “the seemingly unchanged total…
A second amended complaint has been filed in a putative nationwide class action alleging that The Hain Celestial Group’s food and beverage product labels render their products misbranded and further mislead consumers because they use the terms “No Trans Fat,” “Evaporated Cane Juice” or “All Natural” in violation of state law. Smedt v. The Hain Celestial Group, Inc., No. 12-3029 (N.D. Cal., filed August 30, 2013). Details about the court ruling dismissing the claims with leave to amend appear in Issue 495 of this Update. The plaintiff has omitted any claims that the company’s website misled consumers and has otherwise attempted to address the court’s concerns about ambiguous fraud allegations in her initial pleadings.
A federal court in Colorado has reduced the damages awarded to a man who allegedly contracted bronchiolitis obliterans, a debilitating respiratory condition, after consuming microwave popcorn containing the butter flavoring compound diacetyl. Watson v. Dillon Cos., Inc., No. 08-91 (D. Colo., judgment entered September 5, 2013). The jury awarded the plaintiff and his wife more than $7 million, including punitive damages, apportioned among a number of defendants, and the court reduced the total award by more than half to $3.04 million with interest. Additional information about the lawsuit appears in Issues 244, 454 and 480 of this Update. The court agreed with defendant Gilster-Mary Lee, a private label food manufacturer, that a statutory cap applied to the $800,000 non economic damages award against it because the plaintiff discovered or should have discovered his lung injury and its cause before a statutory cut-off in January 2008. The court further refused to…
A federal court in the District of Columbia has denied the American Meat Institute’s motion for a preliminary injunction in a challenge to the amended country-of-origin labeling (COOL) rules adopted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Agricultural Marketing Service in response to a World Trade Organization (WTO) determination that the original rules violated the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade by according less favorable treatment to foreign livestock. Am. Meat Inst. v. USDA, No. 13-1033 (D.D.C., decided September 11, 2013). The court was not persuaded that the plaintiffs, meat processing interests, were likely to succeed on the merits of their First Amendment and statutory challenges to the amended rule. Additional information about the challenge appears in Issue 495 of this Update. Assessing the First Amendment claims under a lenient reasonableness standard because the rule involved commercial speech that mandated purely factual and uncontroversial disclosures, the court determined that…
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a lower court ruling denying the request for a preliminary injunction to halt the application of a California statute that forbids the sale of products resulting from force feeding a bird to enlarge its liver and prohibits force feeding birds to enlarge their livers beyond normal size. Association des Éleveurs de Canards et d’Oies du Québec v. Harris, No. 12-56822 (9th Cir., decided August 30, 2013). While the court dismissed the governor and state as defendants on the basis of immunity, it agreed with the district court that the state attorney general was not immune from suit under the Eleventh Amendment. Additional information about the lawsuit appears in issues 446 and 454 of this Update. Because the court found that the plaintiffs, out-of-state foie gras producers and a California restaurant that sold the product before the law took effect, were not likely…
Lawmakers in Mexico have reportedly proposed a tax on all sugar-sweetened beverages in an effort to curb the nation’s obesity and Type 2 diabetes epidemics. According to a news source, the proposed legislation, intended for flavored beverages, concentrates, powders, syrups, and essences or flavor extracts, would apply a tax of one peso (US eight cents) for each liter of sugar-sweetened beverage. Soft drinks sold at movie theaters would evidently be exempt. Consumer advocacy groups support a tax on sugary beverages, but argue that it should be higher to have a greater impact on public health. “It’s good that there would be a tax. We have to acknowledge that. But to have a significant impact on consumption of sugary drinks, assessments show that it should be a 20 percent tax,” said Alejandro Calvillo, head of the consumer watchdog group Consumer Power A.C. Calvillo, who has linked the consumption of sugary drinks…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has extended until November 12, 2013, the period for submission of comments, scientific data and other information related to its draft guidance titled “Arsenic in Apple Juice: Action Level.” Originally published in the July 15 Federal Register, the guidance proposes an action level of 10 parts per billion for inorganic arsenic in apple juice, which FDA considers “protective of human health and achievable with the use of good manufacturing practices.” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set the same level for arsenic in drinking water. FDA extended the deadline in response to a request “to allow interested persons additional time to submit comments.” More details about the proposed rule appear in Issue 490 of this Update. See Federal Register, September 13, 2013.