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According to a recently published law review note, health care reimbursement suits modeled on Canada’s Cost Recovery Act and provincial litigation against cigarette manufacturers could be successfully maintained against the food industry for the treatment of obesity-related illnesses. Timothy Poodiack, “The Cost Recovery Act and Tobacco Litigation in Canada: A Model for Fast Food Litigation,” Brooklyn Journal of International Law (2013). The note includes background on the country’s universal health care system, a comparison of issues faced by plaintiffs in U.S. suits against “fast food” companies to issues arising in tobacco litigation, “including assumption of the risk and causation arguments,” and an examination of how the Cost Recovery Act can rebut those arguments, “making the Act an attractive model for potential future food litigants in Canada.”  

A California court has tentatively determined, following a 10-day bench trial, that the levels of lead in canned or packaged fruit, vegetable and grape drink products, or baby foods, are below the regulatory “safe harbor” exposure level under Proposition 65 (Prop. 65) and therefore that the companies which make them are not required to provide Prop. 65 warnings to consumers. Envtl. Law Found. v. Beech-Nut Corp., No. RG11 597384 (Cal. Super. Ct., Alameda Cty., tentative decision entered July 15, 2013). Because few Prop. 65 cases go to trial, the court was faced with a number of questions of first impression, primary among them application of the “naturally occurring” defense. The parties did not dispute the presence of lead in the products or that it has been identified as a known carcinogen and reproductive toxin under Prop. 65. Beech-Nut Corp., the original defendant, was joined at trial by a number of other…

Two California residents who filed a putative class action in a California federal court against, among others, a company that makes “Horizon,” “Silk,” “International Delight,” and “Land O’Lakes” brand products with labels including as an ingredient “evaporated cane juice” in alleged violation of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements, have filed a complaint in intervention and motions to set aside a nationwide class settlement approved by a federal court in Florida. Singer v. WWF Operating Co., No. 13-21232 (S.D. Fla., filed July 12, 2013). According to the California plaintiffs, the Florida action was filed on April 8, 2013, as a statewide putative class action and then amended nine days later for purposes of securing preliminary approval of a nationwide class settlement. The California plaintiffs filed their putative statewide class action on April 29 and allege that they had extensive communications with defendant’s counsel who requested from them a 30-day extension…

A New York resident has filed a putative class action against Boar’s Head Provisions Co., alleging that the company’s advertising and labeling representations—“47% lower sodium,” “42% lower sodium,” and “40% lower sodium”—for some of its deli meats, including turkey breast and ham, contain as much sodium as its regular deli meat products and a higher percentage of sodium than stated when compared to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reference products. Mackles v. Boar’s Head Provisions, Co., Inc., No. 13-4855 (S.D.N.Y., filed July 12, 2013). According to the complaint, the defendant’s representations are inaccurate by a factor of more than 10 percent. The plaintiff also alleges that when he asked the company about the lower-sodium claims on its product labels, he received a letter stating that they “were submitted to and approved by the USDA.” On further investigation, the plaintiff allegedly learned from USDA that companies must ensure labeling accuracy, and…

A Hawaii resident has filed a putative nationwide class action against Cargill, Inc., alleging that the company falsely advertises its Truvia® sweetener product as “natural” when it is actually made from ingredients that are “either synthetic or harshly chemically processed.” Howerton v. Cargill, Inc., No. 13-0336 (D. Haw., filed July 8, 2013). According to the complaint, the company markets the product with “natural imagery such as the leaves of the stevia plant,” yet “the stevia-derived ingredient, Reb A, is not the natural crude preparation of stevia, but rather is a highly chemically processed and purified form of the stevia leaf extract,” and Reb A “comprises only 1% of Truvia.” The plaintiff alleges that “the main ingredient, erythritol, which Cargill also purports to be a natural ingredient derived through natural processes, is not made like it is in nature, but rather is synthetically made. Cargill describes the process of obtaining stevia…

A federal court in California has dismissed some of the consumer fraud claims filed against Chobani, Inc. in putative class litigation alleging that the company mislabels its yogurts as containing “evaporated cane juice,” misleads consumers by stating that its products do not contain added sugar and falsely states that its products are “all natural” because they contain artificial ingredients, flavorings, coloring, and chemical preservatives. Kane v. Chobani, Inc., No. 12-2425 (N.D. Cal., order entered July 12, 2013). The court granted with leave to amend (i) the motion to dismiss as to the evaporated cane juice claims to the extent they are based on products not purchased by the plaintiffs; and (ii) the motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ Unfair Competition Law (UCL), False Advertising Law (FAL) and Consumers Legal Remedies Act (CLRA) claims based on the “no sugar added” and “all natural” representations, finding that the plaintiffs did not sufficiently allege…

A federal court in California has dismissed without prejudice a putative class action alleging that Wholesoy & Co. misleads consumers by (i) listing “organic evaporated cane juice” instead of “sugar” or “dried cane syrup” as an ingredient on its soy yogurt products in violation of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling rules, and (ii) marketing its soy product as yogurt because it fails to comply with FDA’s standard of identity for “yogurt.” Hood v. Wholesoy & Co., No. 12-5550 (N.D. Cal., decided July 12, 2013). The court agreed with the company that the complaint must be dismissed under the primary jurisdiction doctrine because its resolution would require the court to decide an issue committed to the agency’s expertise “without a clear indication of how FDA would view the issue.” Specifically, the court found that the evaporated cane juice guidance document on which the plaintiff relied is expressly “not a ‘legally…

The U.K. Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has upheld two complaints alleging that a recent advertisement for Heineken beer “condoned or encouraged the consumption of alcohol in a football stadium within sight of the pitch, which was an illegal activity,” and “condoned or encouraged people to take glass bottles into a football stadium, which was not permitted.” The TV commercial in question apparently featured a man traveling to the UEFA Champions League final game, where he and a woman were shown taking a seat in view of the field and “clinking the two bottles of Heineken together in a celebratory fashion.” Although Heineken UK Ltd. described the ad as a “light-hearted” and “tongue-in-cheek” fantasy, ASA ultimately agreed with complainants that the final scene implied that the main characters “were going to consume beer during the football match.” “We considered that the ad could give the impression to viewers that such behavior,…

The U.K. Home Office has issued its response to a public consultation on its alcohol strategy, laying out a number of new measures but stopping short of instituting a scheme that would have priced alcoholic beverages per unit of alcohol. Under the new strategy, the government has vowed, among other things, to (i) take action “on irresponsible promotions in pubs and clubs,” (ii) facilitate “targeted action by pubs and clubs themselves to curb irresponsible drinking,” (iii) put an end to deep discounts on alcohol that made it possible for consumers to purchase beverages for less than the cost to retailers, and (iv) free “responsible business and community groups from unnecessary red tape, while maintaining the integrity of the licensing system.” At the same time, however, the Home Office ultimately declined to implement minimum unit pricing (MUP) because it found little evidence that the plan would “reduce problem drinking without penalizing…

Environment Canada has issued a notice directing manufacturers and importers to provide information about their use of phthalates in food and beverage contact materials, among other consumer products. According to the July 13, 2013, announcement in the Canada Gazette, the government has identified more than 30 phthalate substances for priority assessment under its Chemicals Management Plan. To this end, Environment Canada has asked industry for details about the manufacture, importation and use of these substances “for the purposes of assessing whether [they] are toxic or capable of becoming toxic, or for the purpose of assessing whether to control [them].” The notice applies to those stakeholders who (i) imported or manufactured more than 100 kilograms of any of the listed substances at a concentration equal to or above 0.001 percent by weight; (ii) used more than 1,000 kilograms of a substance at that concentration; or (iii) imported phthalate-containing products intended for…
