Category Archives U.S. Government and Regulatory Agencies

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program (NOP) has proposed guidance “for calculating the percentage of organic ingredients in multi-ingredient products.” Intended for accredited certifying agents and handling operations, the draft guidance responds to a National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) request for correction and clarification of the requirements codified at 7 CFR 205.302(a), which defines the method of calculating the percentage of organically produced ingredients as ‘‘[d]ividing the total net weight (excluding water and salt) of combined organic ingredients at formulation by the total weight (excluding water and salt) of the finished product.’’ Per NOSB’s recommendations, the draft guidance corrects this language “to clarify that organic percentages should be calculated by dividing the total net weight (excluding water and salt) of combined organic ingredients at formulation by the total net weight (excluding water and salt) of all ingredients,” as opposed to “the weight of the ‘finished product’ because most…

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for "a Label on Processed Meat and Poultry Products Warning the Public that Frequent Consumption May Increase the Risk of Colorectal Cancer." Citing the International Agency for Research on Cancer's finding that smoked, salted and/or cured bacon, hot dogs, ham, sausages and similar products are "carcinogenic to humans," CSPI argues that epidemiological studies backed by "mechanistic evidence" support the alleged link between processed meat and an increased risk of colorectal cancer. The group also points to similar conclusions drawn by the World Cancer Research Fund International, American Institute for Cancer Research, Imperial College London and the American Cancer Society, the latter of which "advises the public to 'minimize consumption of processed meats such as bacon, sausage, luncheon meats, and hot dogs' based on evidence that the risk of colorectal cancer increases by 15…

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against two Washington companies—Washington Potato and Pasco Processing—for allegedly discriminating against immigrants during the employment eligibility verification process. United States v. Wash. Potato Co., No. 16-1320 (D.O.J., filed November 14, 2016). The complaint alleges the companies required non-U.S. citizens to submit specific documentation to process the Form I-9 and E-Verify while allowing U.S. citizens more flexibility in their documentation. “Federal law protects individuals with legal work authorization from facing discriminatory obstacles during employment eligibility verification,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta in a November 14, 2016, press release. “All people with legal employment status in the United States must receive an equal opportunity to prove they can work, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status.”   Issue 623

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) has reportedly voted 10-3, with one abstention, to remove carrageenan from the national list of substances allowed in organic processing and handling. Held November 16-18, 2016, in St. Louis, Missouri, the NOSB’s semi-annual meeting included a review of carrageenan on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances that identifies “the synthetic substances that may be used and the nonsynthetic (natural) substances that may not be used in organic crop and livestock production.” Other substances slated for sunset in 2018 include agar-agar, animal enzymes, calcium sulfate-mined, glucono delta-lactone, tartaric acid, cellulose potassium hydroxide, silicon dioxide, and beta-carotene extract for use as a coloring agent. According to news sources, NOSB did not impugn the safety of carrageenan but took into account the availability of other substances to replace the seaweed-based thickening agent. If it accepts NOSB’s recommendation, the National Organic Program…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has requested public input on how consumers use “flavored nut butter spreads and products that can be used to fill cupcakes and other desserts,” as part of its effort to establish a reference amount customarily consumed (RACC) and serving size for these products. Responding to a March 4, 2014, citizen petition filed by Nutella® manufacturer Ferrero Inc., which asked FDA to re-categorize nut cocoa-based spreads as a breakfast condiment similar to “honey, jams, jellies, fruit butter, [or] molasses” as opposed to a dessert topping, the agency notes that it has since updated certain RACCs and needs additional data “to determine the customary consumption amounts of and appropriate product category for flavored nut butter spreads (e.g., cocoa, cookie, and coffee flavored).” To decide if it needs to create a new RACC category for these products with a serving size of 1 tablespoon, FDA seeks responses to…

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has approved a modified final order settling charges that the $28-billion merger of Delhaize Group NV/SA and Koninklijke Ahold N.V. would be anticompetitive. In re Koninklije Ahold N.V., No. C-4588 (F.T.C., order entered October 14, 2016). According to the modified order, the companies must divest 81 stores—including locations of Giant, Hannaford, Martin’s, Food Lion and Stop & Shop—to seven companies before merging.   Issue 621

The Cornucopia Institute has filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture “requesting an investigation into the organic certification of hydroponic operations in the U.S. that appear to conflict with the statutory language of the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990 and current federal regulations governing organic food production.” The organization argues that two companies, Wholesum Harvest Family Farms and Driscoll’s, sell hydroponically raised produce as certified organic despite failing to meet federal standards on the contents of their soil, which allegedly include peat moss, coconut cuir and hydrolyzed soy fertilizers made from genetically modified soybeans. “Hydroponic and container systems rely on liquid fertilizers developed from conventional crops or waste products,” said a Cornucopia Institute farm policy analyst in a November 1, 2016, press release. “Suggesting that they should qualify for organic labeling is a specious argument.”   Issue 621

A consumer has filed a proposed class action against Hormel Foods Corp. alleging the company misrepresents its meat products as natural and free of preservatives despite containing synthetic or genetically modified ingredients, including cultured celery powder, baking powder and maltodextrin. Phelps v. Hormel Foods Corp., No. 16-62411 (S.D. Fla., Ft. Lauderdale Div., filed October 11, 2016). The lawsuit, focused on Hormel’s Natural Choice® line of products, echoes similar claims in a complaint filed by the Animal Legal Defense Fund in June 2016. Details on that complaint appear in Issue 610 of this Update. “The U.S. Department of Agriculture (‘USDA’) takes into account the level of processing in its policy on natural claims on food labeling,” the consumer complaint asserts. “The USDA allows such products to be labeled ‘natural’ when ‘(1) The product does not contain any artificial flavor or flavoring, coloring ingredient, or chemical preservative [], or any other artificial…

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and the National Service for Animal and Plant Health, Food Safety and Quality of Mexico (SENASICA) have announced a joint Organic Compliance Committee to “ensure the integrity of organic products trade between the United States and Mexico.” With implementation of Mexico’s organic regulations slated for 2017, the two countries agreed to form a committee to achieve “equivalency in organic production and trade,” as well as enhance enforcement controls on organic products. According to an October 19, 2016, press release, the committee will “establish requirements for the use of import certificates in both countries within six months to provide verification of each shipment of organic products between the United States and Mexico.” Under the new arrangement, the committee will sample organic products for chemical residues, share the results with AMS and SENASICA, and “engage with certifiers operating in Mexico by conducting listening…

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has updated its guidelines on the documentation needed to support animal-raising labeling claims, which include “Raised Without Antibiotics,” “Organic,” “Grass-Fed,” “Free-Range” and “Raised with the use of hormones.” Among other things, the agency requires the following information to support such claims: (i) “a detailed written description explaining the controls used for ensuring that the raising claim is valid from birth to harvest or the period of raising being referenced by the claim”; (ii) “a signed and dated document describing how the animals are raised (e.g., vegetarian-fed, raised without antibiotics, grass-fed), to support that the specific claim made is truthful and not misleading”; (iii) “a written description of the product-tracing and segregation mechanism from time of slaughter or further processing through packaging and wholesale or retail distribution”; (iv) “a written description for the identification, control, and segregation of non-conforming animals…
