EFSA Seeks Public Input on Risk Assessment Guidance for Nanomaterials in Food and Feed
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has requested public comments
on its draft “Guidance on risk assessment concerning potential risks arising
from applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies to food and feed.”
The comment period closes February 25, 2011.
The draft guidance outlines under what circumstances nanomaterials in food
and animal feed should be tested for potential health risks and how the risk
assessment process should be conducted. According to the guidance, the risk
of an engineered nanomaterial “will be determined by its chemical composition,
physico-chemical properties, its hazard characterization and potential
exposure.” At an initial stage for the proposed use of a nanomaterial in food
or feed applications, where internal exposure, a high level of reactivity or
mobility, and persistence of the nanomaterial exist, “in-depth testing” would
be appropriate. While the guidance recognizes that characterization parameters
“will depend on the nature, functionalities, and intended uses of the”
engineered nanomaterial, certain parameters are essential and are set forth in
a table.
The guidance also provides a number of decision trees and the types of
testing that may be necessary or are required “by specific sector regulations
or by EFSA guidance.” EFSA recognizes “several uncertainties related to the
identification, characterization and detection of [engineered nanomaterials]
which are related to the lack of suitable and validated test methods to cover
all [their] possible applications, aspects and properties.” EFSA also recognizes
“a number of uncertainties related to the applicability of current standard
biological and toxicological testing methods,” and anticipates that the guidance
will be updated following “appropriate developments.”