California-based ChangeLab Solutions, an interdisciplinary public health
advocacy group focused on policy reform, is holding a September 24, 2014,
Webinar to discuss the potential impact of mandatory warning labels on
sugar-sweetened beverages in reducing the rates of youth and adult obesity
and diabetes.

Webinar panelists will reportedly discuss lessons learned from failed California
legislation (S.B. 1000) that would have required such warnings on SSBs,
resources for driving similar strategies at the state and local level, and SSB
warnings’ impact on the health of communities of color. Program faculty will
include a senior staff attorney at ChangeLab Solutions, the executive directors
of the California Center for Public Health Advocacy and Latino Coalition for
a Healthy California, and the director of health promotion policy at Center
for Science in the Public Interest. To learn more about the event, please click


Issue 535

About The Author

For decades, manufacturers, distributors and retailers at every link in the food chain have come to Shook, Hardy & Bacon to partner with a legal team that understands the issues they face in today's evolving food production industry. Shook attorneys work with some of the world's largest food, beverage and agribusiness companies to establish preventative measures, conduct internal audits, develop public relations strategies, and advance tort reform initiatives.
