Tag Archives slavery

German candy manufacturer Haribo is reportedly investigating allegations of human slavery on carnauba wax suppliers’ plantations in Brazil. According to Reuters, a German television documentary showed palm-leaf harvest workers forced to sleep outside, denied access to clean water and paid $12 a day. In June 2017, Haribo’s board posted a “Modern Slavery Statement” on its website, stating it was “absolutely committed to preventing any form of slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities.” The statement also included a mandate for due diligence reviews of its supply chain to assess “particular product or geographical risks” of slavery.

“Sorry to scare you, but on Halloween much of the chocolate Americans will hand out to trick-or-treaters will be tainted by the labor of enslaved children,” writes Andrew Korfhage in this October 18, 2010, AlterNet article alleging that chocolate manufacturers have failed to eradicate child labor practices as promised. According to the author, Hershey’s and other companies pledged “nearly a decade ago to set up a system to certify that no producers in their supply chains use child labor,” but have yet to take any “meaningful action.” Korfhage credits a 2001 exposé with documenting the “scandalous conditions under which most U.S. chocolate is made,” noting that the effort spurred Representative Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) and Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) to introduce legislation seeking “slave-free” certification for all U.S. chocolate. “[B]ut before Harkin’s bill could pass the Senate, the chocolate industry had announced a voluntary four-year plan to clean up its own…
