Medical Groups Call for SSB Taxes
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association have issued a policy statement calling for taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and a decrease in SSB marketing to children. The report states that U.S. children consume 17 percent of their calories “from added sugars, nearly half of which are from sugary drinks,” which are apparently “the leading source of added sugars in the US diet, provide little to no nutritional value, are high in energy density, and do little to increase feelings of satiety.”
The statement calls for six actions: (i) “policies that raise the price of sugary drinks, such as an excise tax”; (ii) “efforts to decrease sugary drink marketing to children and adolescents”; (iii) access to healthful foods through nutrition assistance programs; (iv) the provision of “ready access to credible nutrition information” to children and their families; (v) “[p]olicies that make healthful beverages the default choice”; and (vi) limits or disincentives on serving SSBs in hospitals.