Consumer Lawsuit Targets “Healthy” Coconut Oil Claims
A consumer has filed a putative class action against Carrington Tea Co.
alleging the company advertises its coconut oil as “a healthy alternative
to butter and various cooking oils, despite that coconut oil is actually
inherently unhealthy, and a less healthy option to these alternatives.”
Boulton v. Carrington Tea Co., No. B609360 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los
Angeles Cty., filed February 4, 2016).
Coconut oil “is approximately 90 percent saturated fat” and “increases
the risk of [coronary heart disease] and stroke” as well as other negative
health effects, the complaint asserts. Despite these effects, the
plaintiff argues, Carrington markets its coconut oil as healthy, and
further, “Carrington’s labeling claims are designed to conceal or distract
consumers from noticing that its Carrington Farms coconut oils are
pure fat” by including the phrase “Healthy Foods for a Healthy Soul”
and claiming that “Carrington Farm’s cold-pressed organic extra virgin
coconut oil is the most nutritious oil and the perfect choice for your
health and energy!” The plaintiff seeks class certification, a compelled
corrective advertising campaign, destruction of misleading materials,
disgorgement of profits and restitution for alleged violations of California’s
consumer-protection statutes.
Issue 595