A consumer has filed a putative class action against Kellogg Co. alleging the company produces Mother’s Cookies® with partially hydrogenated oil (PHO), which contains trans fat, in violation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) ban on the ingredient. Hawkins v. Kellogg Co., No. 16-0147 (S.D. Cal., filed January 21, 2016). The plaintiff asserts FDA “determined that PHO is unsafe for use in food” in 2015 and alleges as a result that Kellogg is prohibited from using the food additive in its cookies. “Today there is no question about the scientific consensus on trans fat,” the complaint argues, describing several studies examining the effects of PHO on the human body. For alleged violations of California consumer-protection statutes, nuisance and breach of implied warranty, the plaintiff seeks class certification, restitution, an injunction, a corrective advertising campaign and attorney’s fees.   Issue 592

A Delaware cheese company and two individual defendants have pled guilty to a misdemeanor violation of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for distributing adulterated ricotta, queso fresco and fresh cheese curds in several neighboring states. U.S. v. Roos Foods, Inc., No. 16-0013 (D. Del., information filed January 22, 2016). Roos’ cheese was connected to a 2014 outbreak of Listeria that caused five adults and three newborns to contract listeriosis. The criminal information alleged the company produced the cheese in unsanitary conditions, including the “[f]ailure to clean food-contact surfaces as frequently as necessary to protect against contamination of food” and “failure to store raw materials or ingredients in a manner that protects against contamination.” In their agreement with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the defendants agreed to an injunction preventing them from processing or distributing food products until they undergo an FDA inspection and facility testing by…

The Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA) has filed an amicus brief in a case challenging San Francisco’s health code provisions requiring advertisements on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) to notify the public of alleged health risks associated with SSB consumption. Am. Beverage Ass’n v. City of San Francisco, No. 15-3415 (N.D. Cal., San Francisco Div., amicus brief filed January 22, 2016). The brief focuses on First Amendment arguments against requiring private parties to include government speech on their product labels. “The City of San Francisco’s imposition of the Warning Mandate in reaction to potential over-consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by its citizens, whatever the merits of that concern, takes regulatory Nannyism to new levels and is wholly incompatible with First Amendment protections afforded to commercial speech,” the brief argues. “If this Court were to uphold the Board of Supervisors’ conscription of sugar-sweetened beverage ads to convey government views on health issues there…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the import of genetically engineered (GE) salmon just two months after deeming AquaBounty Technologies, Inc.’s AquAdvantage® salmon safe for human consumption. Issued in compliance with the Fiscal Year 2016 Omnibus Appropriations Act, the January 29, 2016, import alert directs that “any shipment of suspected or known GE salmon or product composed in whole or in part of GE salmon should be promptly forwarded to the District Compliance Branch.” Although AquaBounty Technologies produces GE salmon at fish farms based in Canada and Panama, the company has not yet sold its product in the United States. But after FDA ruled that the salmon posed no environmental or human health risks, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) moved to block confirmation proceedings for the next FDA commissioner until the agency required labeling for all products containing GE salmon. “This is a huge step in our…

The Access to Nutrition Foundation has released its second Access to Nutrition Index® (ATNI), which ranks the 22 largest food and beverage companies on their “contributions to tackling obesity and undernutrition.” According to a concurrent press release, “The 2016 Index concluded that, while some companies have taken positive steps since the last Index, the industry as a whole is moving far too slowly. Scored out of ten on their nutrition-related commitments, practices and levels of disclosure, no company achieved a score of more than 6.4.” Supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, the 2016 Global Index ranks companies in the following areas: (i) governance, including whether the company has a corporate nutrition strategy; (ii) product formulation and nutrient profiling systems; (iii) efforts to make healthier products accessible to consumers via pricing and distribution; (iv) compliance with marketing practices and policies geared toward general…

Pacific Standard has profiled Cristin Kearns, a former dentist who has partnered with journalist Gary Taubes and researcher Stanton Glantz to fight sugar-industry influence on the U.S. government’s standards for health and dental care using similar tactics as those Glantz used against cigarette manufacturers in the 1990s. Now a researcher working for Glantz at the University of California, San Francisco, Kearns first became interested in the subject after reading a government-published handout at a dental conference with suggested advice for diabetic patients, including “’[i]ncrease fiber, reduce fat, reduce salt, reduce calories,’ and it didn’t say anything about reducing sugar,” she told the magazine. Kearns has since reportedly tried to identify where the sugar industry has influenced nutritional science through privately funded studies or roles in policy discussions. “Maybe, for some creative attorney down the road, some of [Kearns’] research or research like that could help in crafting discovery requests,” a…

A jury in Alabama has found Golden Peanut Co. liable for an accident causing an employee welder to inhale peanut dust, resulting in a pneumonia infection and subsequent lung transplant. Smith v. Golden Peanut Co., No. 14-0999 (M.D. Ala., jury verdict filed January 15, 2015). The welder was apparently inside a grain elevator when a truck began dumping peanuts into the shaft, causing the peanut dust to become “so thick in the work area of the elevator pit shaft that [the welder] could not see his hand in front of his face.” He was then diagnosed with pneumonia, required the use of an oxygen tank and became unable to work. In its verdict, the jury concluded the welder could recover $718,113.25 for his negligence claim. See Law360, January 15, 2016.   Issue 591

Whole Foods and a consumer have reached an agreement in a lawsuit alleging the company misrepresented the prices of its products before the point of purchase. Burgos v. Whole Foods Mkt. Grp., No. 15-7357 (D.N.J., stipulation filed January 20, 2016). The plaintiff alleged that some of Whole Foods’ price displays failed to meet the state’s requirements, which she argued amounted to violations of New Jersey’s consumer-protection statute. The stipulation specifies that the individual plaintiff’s claims are dismissed with prejudice, but the plaintiff’s proposed class is not bound to the terms of the agreement.   Issue 591

A California federal court has dismissed a lawsuit against Costco Wholesale Corp. alleging the company’s shrimp was falsely advertised as adherent to a supplier code of conduct on human rights while the product was allegedly obtained through the use of slave labor. Sud v. Costco Wholesale Corp., No. 15-3783 (N.D. Cal., order entered January 15, 2016). The plaintiff argued that she was harmed because she purchased shrimp relying on Costco’s misrepresentation; the court disagreed after Costco provided records of the plaintiff’s and her mother’s purchases, which the company tracks through its membership program. Accordingly the court granted Costco’s motion to dismiss but allowed the plaintiff leave to amend. Details about the August 2015 complaint appear in Issue 576 of this Update.   Issue 591

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has intervened in an ongoing series of lawsuits against Tri-Union Seafoods, StarKist and Bumble Bee Foods alleging the companies conspired to set prices for tuna in the United States. In re Packaged Seafood Prods. Antitrust Litig., 15-2670 (S.D. Cal., order entered January 20, 2015). A California federal court granted the government’s unopposed motion to intervene at a status conference with attorneys representing several consumer and competitor plaintiffs in the consolidated action. The court found “common questions of law and fact between this civil action and an ongoing criminal grand jury investigation” conducted by the DOJ and accordingly granted a stay in the case. Details about the consolidation appear in Issue 588 of this Update and additional information on lawsuits brought by grocers appears in Issues 574 and 590.   Issue 591
