The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is convening a public meeting of the General Conference Committee of the National Poultry Improvement Plan on July 23, 2015, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The group of industry and state agency representatives will reportedly discuss (i) approved tests and (ii) updates regarding avian influenza, Salmonella and Mycoplasma. See Federal Register, May 1, 2015.   Issue 564

In a May 5, 2015, Law360 analysis, Shook, Hardy & Bacon Partner Andy Carpenter chronicles a “meta” class action against Riceland Foods, Inc., a party to multidistrict litigation (MDL) stemming from the use of genetically modified organism (GMO) rice, which several thousand rice farmers alleged had tainted the U.S. rice supply. After Riceland obtained a verdict in a cross-claim against Bayer and settled its portion of the MDL, class-action counsel and plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against the company to obtain compensation for their work, from which they argued Riceland benefited when it received a judgment from Bayer. Carpenter details the reasoning of the district court and the later affirmation from the Eighth Circuit, discussing issues of jurisdiction and choice of law.   Issue 564

In a May 8, 2015, Law360 article titled “For High Court, 2 Scoops of Raisins In This Case,” Shook, Hardy & Bacon Partner Ann Peper Havelka and Associate Jara Settles provide an overview of the arguments in a U.S. Supreme Court case challenging the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s program requiring raisin farmers to set aside a portion of their yield to give to the federal government to aid in stabilizing the market. They document the questions and responses during oral argument, noting the issues that interested the justices, including Justice Stephen Breyer’s point that compensation for the alleged taking may have been paid in the form of increased raisin prices and Justice Samuel Alito’s concern over whether a similar program could be instituted for other products, such as cell phones or cars. “Despite the government’s defense of a decades-old price stabilization plan, the court’s questioning during oral argument leaned toward…

A study involving 2,874 pregnant women enrolled in the Odense Child Cohort has noted “significant associations” between serum concentrations of perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFASs) and miscarriage. Tina Kold Jensen, et al., “Association between Perfluorinated Compound Exposure and Miscarriage in Danish Pregnant Women,” PLOS One, April 2015. According to the study, two types of PFASs—perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanoic sulfate (PFOS)—widely used in consumer products and food packaging for their stain-, grease- and water resistance properties are now being replaced with newer PFASs such as perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), which have shorter elimination half lives in humans. In particular, researchers report that women in the highest tertile for PFNA and PFDA exposure in pregnancy “had odds ratios of 16.5 percent ... and 3.71 percent, respectively, as compared to the lowest tertile.” Though these associations still require confirmation, the study authors warn that their findings “are of potential public…

University of Cambridge researchers report that replacing one soft drink per day with water or unsweetened coffee/tea reduced the incidence of diabetes by 14 to 25 percent in a prospective cohort of 25,639 adults enrolled in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. Laura O’Connor, et al., “Prospective associations and population impact of sweet beverage intake and type 2 diabetes, and effects of substitutions with alternative beverages,” Diabetologia, May 2015. Funded by Medical Research Council and Cancer Research UK, the study relied on food diaries completed over 11 years of follow-up, during which time 874 participants developed type 2 diabetes. The findings evidently show a 22-percent increase in diabetes risk per additional daily serving of soft drink, sweetened milk beverage or artificially sweetened beverage (ASB)—although the association with ASB consumption disappeared when researchers accounted for body mass index and waist girth as markers of obesity. As the authors observed in a May…

Fifth Generation, Inc., maker of Tito’s® Handmade Vodka, has filed an opposition to a motion to consolidate eight proposed class actions alleging the vodka is mislabeled as “handmade” because it is manufactured with an automated process. In re Tito’s Handmade Vodka Mktg. & Sales Practices Litig., MDL No. 2634 (J.P.M.L., motion filed April 28, 2015). The company argues that the eight lawsuits are in seven jurisdictions and include claims based on the laws of several different states. Further, several of its motions to dismiss are already fully briefed, Fifth Generation says. If the panel determines that multi-district litigation (MDL) is appropriate, the company argues that the Western District of Texas or the Northern District of Florida would be venues better suited for the litigation than the proposed Southern District of California because the average duration of cases in California is longer than in the former two jurisdictions.   Issue 563

Texas has settled a trademark dispute with Alamo Beer Co. and Old 300 Brewing after the state intervened in Alamo Beer’s lawsuit alleging Old 300 infringed its trademarked Alamo silhouette. Alamo Beer Co. v. Old 300 Brewing, LLC, No. 14-285 (W.D. Tex., consent order entered April 28, 2015). According to court documents, the settlement establishes that Texas owns the premises of the Alamo in downtown San Antonio and “[a]s the owner, the State also owns the image of the Alamo and the right to commercialize that image to whatever extent the State, as owner, decides to do so. Such commercialization includes the right to use or license the use of the image on product labels.” The consent order further lists the state’s federally registered trademarks related to the Alamo, which it uses to sell products at the landmark’s gift shop. Under the final judgment, Alamo Beer and Old 300 are permanently…

A California federal court has denied Boulder Brands, Inc.’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that the company misrepresents the cholesterol-blocking effect of the plant sterols in its Smart Balance® butter products because the amount of plant sterols is “not enough to generate a ‘clinically meaningful cholesterol blocking effect.’” Mitchell v. Boulder  Brands, Inc., No. 12-1862 (S.D. Cal., order entered April 16, 2015). The court declined to reconsider its earlier decision that “the products’ labels could plausibly be read as implying a ‘clinically meaningful cholesterol blocking benefit’ and that this implied representation is ‘specific, measurable, and falsifiable.’” The expert report upon which the court has based its decision stated that a minimum of 800 milligrams of plant sterols—eight times the content in one serving of the Smart Balance® product—would be the minimum to meaningfully block cholesterol.   Issue 563

A Vermont federal court has denied a preliminary injunction that would have prevented from taking effect the nation’s first state law requiring the labeling of food products manufactured with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Grocery Mfrs. Ass’n v. Sorrell, No. 14-0117 (D. Vt., order entered April 27, 2015). Several food industry groups challenged the statute’s provisions requiring GMO labeling and preventing foods with GMO ingredients from bearing a “natural” label. The court first examined the industry groups’ claim that the statute violates the dormant Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. It agreed with the groups’ argument that the statute seems to prohibit the use of “natural” in signage and advertising “regardless of where or how those activities take place,” and accordingly refused to dismiss Vermont’s motion to dismiss that aspect of the Commerce Clause claim. The rest of the Commerce Clause claims, based on the argument that the statute would require…

Proposed legislation (S.B. 203) that would have required all sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) containing more than 75 calories per 12-ounce serving to carry safety warnings has failed to garner the requisite five votes needed to clear the California Senate Health Committee and move forward in the legislative process. Introduced by Sen. Bill Monning (D-Carmel), the Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Safety Warning Act directed manufacturers, distributors and retailers to place the following notice on sealed containers, multipacks and vending machines, as well as any premises where SSBs are sold in unsealed containers: “STATE OF CALIFORNIA SAFETY WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.” A similar proposal (S.B. 1000) failed to receive adequate support from state lawmakers in 2014. The legislation was co-sponsored by the California Center for Public Health Advocacy, which issued a statement on its website declaring that “It is unfortunate that of all places, the health committee…
