A California federal court has dismissed several of the plaintiffs’ claims in a putative class action accusing Frito-Lay North America Inc. of mislabeling its Rold Gold pretzels as “low fat,” “fat free” or “all-natural” despite allegedly containing high sodium levels and unnatural ingredients. Figy v. Frito-Lay North America Inc., No. 13-3988 (N.D. Cal., order entered August 12, 2014). The court found that the plaintiffs had standing to sue on behalf of purchasers of several non-purchased products because Frito-Lay’s health claims were the same for each and the only difference was the shape of the pretzel products. The court then dismissed several of the plaintiffs’ claims. It found that it did not have subject matter jurisdiction to grant injunctive relief because Frito-Lay had triggered the plaintiffs’ obligation to prove jurisdiction by submitting declarations and extrinsic evidence of the plaintiffs’ lack of standing to seek an injunction, and the plaintiffs had then failed to…

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced plans to implement “new traceback procedures when FSIS or another agency finds raw ground beef or bench trim presumptive positive for Escherichia coli O157:H7.” Under the new system, which takes effect October 14, 2014, the agency will ask suppliers to recall products that test positive for E. coli O157:H7 later in the supply chain if FSIS or another agency determines that contamination most likely occurred at the supplier’s establishment and if the product in question was sent to other grinding facilities. As explained in an August 13, 2013, press release, these new procedures “will allow the agency to trace contaminated ground beef back to its source more quickly, remove it from commerce, and find the root cause of the incident to prevent it from recurring.” To this end, FSIS will begin traceback investigations as soon as it…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has amended food additive regulations pertaining to the safe use of vitamin D3 in response to a petition from Abbott Laboratories. The company requested that FDA approve use of the fat-soluble hormone “as a nutrient supplement at levels not to exceed 500 IUs per 240 mL in meal replacement beverages that are not intended for special dietary use in reducing or maintaining body weight and that are represented for use such that that the total amount of vitamin D3 provided by the product does not exceed 1,000 IU per day, and at levels not to exceed 1.0 IU per kilocalorie in food represented for use as a sole source of nutrition for enteral feeding.” Objections to FDA’s approval of Abbott’s petition or requests for a hearing must be filed by September 11, 2014. See Federal Register, August 12, 2014.   Issue 534

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released an executive report summarizing the data collected by the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS) since 1996. Implemented by FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, NARMS tracks antibiotic resistance in foodborne bacteria, focusing on antibiotics “that are considered important to human health as well as multidrug resistance [MDR]” to three or more antibiotic classes. According to an August 11, 2014, news release, FDA identified “positive and negative trends in antimicrobial resistance in bacteria isolated from humans, retail meats and food animals.” For non-typhoidal Salmonella, which showed no resistance in 85 percent of samples isolated from humans, the report found that “MDR among humans, slaughtered chicken and slaughtered swine was the lowest [in 2011] since testing began,” though “MDR Salmonella from retail poultry meats generally increased.” NARMS also concluded that “erythromycin resistance in Campylobacter jejuni…

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has vacated a panel’s March 28, 2014, denial of the motion for preliminary judgment filed by meat producer interests in litigation challenging U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations requiring retailers of “muscle cuts” of meat to list the countries of origin and production (country-of-origin labeling, or COOL) as to each step of production—born, raised or slaughtered. Am. Meat Inst. v. USDA, No. 13-5281 (D.C. Cir., order entered April 4, 2014). Additional information about the March 28 decision appears in Issue 518 of this Update. A court majority voted to rehear the case before the full court on May 19 and ordered the parties to brief a supplemental issue: “Whether, under the First Amendment, judicial review of mandatory disclosure of ‘purely factual and uncontroversial’ commercial information, compelled for reasons other than preventing deception, can properly proceed under Zauderer v. Office of Disciplinary Counsel, 471 U.S. 626, 651…

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has proposed revisions to the U.S. Standards for Grades of Maple Sirup in response to a 2011 petition submitted by the International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI). Arguing that “consumers currently face a patchwork of grading systems in the United States that are confusing,” IMSI has reportedly asked AMS to implement new standards under which “the grade of a sample unit of maple syrup would be determined using the factors of color, flavor, odor, damage, and turbidity (cloudiness).” In addition to changing the spelling of “sirup” to the more common “syrup,” the agency would recategorize Grade B syrup “containing no damage or off-flavors” as Grade A “to allow the darker syrup to be sold at the retail level.” The revised standards would further divide Grade A into the following flavor and color classes: (i) U.S. Grade A Golden (delicate taste, ≥75.0…

An animal study presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior (SSIB) held July 29-August 1, 2014, in Seattle, Washington, has reportedly claimed that “daily consumption of beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup or sucrose can impair the ability to learn and remember information, particularly when consumption occurs during adolescence.” According to a July 29, 2014, SSIB press release, University of Southern California researchers reported that, unlike adult rats given daily access to sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), rats that consumed SSBs during adolescence “were impaired in tests of learning and memory capability.” “[O]ur findings reveal that consuming sugar-sweetened drinks is also interfering with our brain’s ability to function normally and remember critical information about our environment, at least when consumed in excess before adulthood,” the lead researcher was quoted as saying. “In addition to causing memory impairment, adolescent sugar-sweetened beverage consumption also produced inflammation in the…

Crickets and other edible insects may be poised for widespread popularity, according to recent New York Times and NPR stories. Cricket flour—pulverized crickets in powder form—offers several nutritional benefits to consumers, including high levels of protein. The flour is gluten-free and compatible with the Paleo Diet, which eschews carbohydrates in favor of meat and vegetables, and cricket flour production is more environmentally friendly and sustainable than other forms of protein production, proponents say. The problem, edible insect-based food producers say, is the “ick factor,” the psychological aversion to eating bugs that many Americans have. According to NPR, marketers have pursued “intelligent cutesiness” to overcome that burden and convince new customers to try insect-based foods, including attempts to rebrand locusts as “sky prawns” to assuage consumer fears. “It tastes like dark toast,” as one investor described cricket flour to The New York Times. Another first-time customer praised her bite of a…

Shook, Hardy & Bacon Partner Marc Shelley and Associate Emily Fedeles recently spoke with Food Navigator about a proposal contained in French Minister of Health Marisol Touraine’s National Health Bill that would extend class actions to claims involving injuries to health. According to the August 7, 2014, article, the bill seeks to expand a new consumer law that established class action procedures for consumer-protection and antitrust claims but stopped short of including personal-injury claims. Noting that the current proposal targets food and beverage manufacturers making product-health claims, Shelley and Fedeles warn that these changes are only the latest in a “troubling” trend that could affect the entire industry as more member states move to expand the scope of their class-action laws. With companies granted only one opportunity to defend against collective claims, Fedeles adds, “[y]ou only get one bite at the apple and of course there’s a difference between paying…

In response to recent sanctions related to the conflict in Ukraine, Russia has prohibited food imports from the United States, European Union, Australia, Norway, and Canada. The ban extends to meat, fish, produce, and milk products and will remain in place for one year. Although alcohol was not included in the announced food import bans, the Russian consumer protection agency, Rospotrebnadzor, has reportedly threatened to prohibit the import of Kentucky Gentleman bourbon, citing potential carcinogens. In July 2014, Russia banned the import of soy products, cornmeal, dairy products, and canned foods from Ukraine and most fruit and vegetables from Poland. Some Russians have been critical of the ban and its projected effects on the Russian food supply. “[L]iterally every [Russian] family will be affected,” Yevsey Gurvich, head of Russian company Economic Expert Group, told The Washington Post. Russian bans of food imports have frequently coincided with their political tensions. Information…
