Precautionary Principle Focus of Upcoming TACD Forum
London-based Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD), a
collaborative group of U.S. and E.U. consumer organizations that
develops and submits joint consumer policy recommendations to the
U.S. government and European Union, is hosting a January 26, 2016,
meeting in Brussels, Belgium, focusing on use of the precautionary
principle in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Discussions at the event will include an overview of the precautionary
principle in trade agreements and how it is used in the United States
and European Union; and precautionary approaches to food safety (e.g.,
BSE, GMO, hormones, GRAS), pesticide/biocide regulation, digital
and privacy rights, and intellectual property. Speakers will include U.S.
Federal Trade Commissioner Julie Brill and E.U. Trade Commissioner
Cecilia Malmström.
Issue 585